Okay, well this first picture isn't Rebecca . . . that's me, having fun showing off the arrival table. However, you can definitely get a sense of Rebecca's interests. She loves dancing and had a ballet themed reception.

Originally, they had planned to use this photo as a signature board but when it turned out so perfectly, they decided to frame it and use a different photo instead. This one was simply for display purposes.
Inside the room, everything was color! There were hot pink and lime green splashes everywhere - a perfect color combination to brighten a November afternoon. Joining the centerpieces were a large variety of home-made chocolate covered treats - pretzels and nuts! Yum!
The centerpieces were also home-made. The family arranged with the dance studio to take a bunch of worn out toe shoes and give them new life by turning them into the treasures pictured! Hot pink and lime polka dots outside and tons of hot pink flowers inside, these toe shoes are standing on their own bases! After the reception, they were donated back to the studio to brighten future events.
The guests had two cakes to choose from and of course we used hot pink lighting under the table to add a little pizazz! Here you can see Rebecca captured during the candle lighting service!
Mazel Tov Rebecca!
Non professional photos are courtesy of Rebecca's mother.
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